General Policies
Commercial Insurance and Payment
· Please review and know your co-pay and applicable deductible as described in your health insurance policy manual. Any and All Payments are required at the time of your visit – before seeing Bradley Why (this includes insurance cards that say you do not pay the provider at the
time of the visit).
· Deductibles are your responsibility and required prior to appointments.
· We do not bill your insurance company first when you have a deductible.
· A valid credit or debit card is required and kept on file for unpaid balances over 60 days. This card will also be charged $125.00 for missed appointments/late cancellations, as per our policy and $25.00 for off schedule medication refills.
· Any outstanding balances must be paid prior to your appointment.
· On rare occasions it has been necessary for us to employ a third party billing agency to collect unpaid balances. Service fee surcharges for collections
are added to delinquent accounts.
Appointment Cancellations and No Shows
· 48 hours notice is required for cancellations or rescheduling of appointments. Cancellations that are made inside of 24 hours of the appointment time are
considered “late cancellations.”
· Monday appointments that are cancelled on Friday – Sunday are considered late cancellations as we are closed on Friday’s.
· No Show and Late Cancellations are charged $125 for medication checks and $225 for evaluation and extended appts directly to your credit/debit card that
is on file.
Medication Refills Outside of Scheduled Appointments
· Follow-Up appointments are scheduled at particular times to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of medications that you are taking.
· Appointments are frequent during medication starts and changes but become less frequent as treatment progresses.
· Refills requests due to missed appointments are called in to your pharmacy after your appointment is re-scheduled. A $25 service fee is required.
Medication Changes
· Appointments are a time to have detailed discussions about your treatment progress; medication effectiveness and information gathering in order provide
the best care. Your appointment is a time specifically carved out to re-evaluate your response to treatment and to talk about any concerns, ask questions
and for you to be heard – your opinion about medication that you are taking is expected and necessary to help steer your treatment – you are the center of
your treatment. Prior to leaving, a verbal or written guideline is provided about what you should expect while starting or changing medication.
If you are having problems, questions or side effects from medication, we encourage you to call the office to discuss this
· Medication changes, switching, increasing or decreasing doses, adding other medications are only discussed during face-to-face appointments.
· We do not provide detailed medication consultations over the phone.
Disability/FMLA and Official Treatment Documents
· Documents are prepared on a case-by-case basis for established patients and are billed prior to completion.
· We do not meet with patients for the sole purpose of gaining FMLA or Disability.
· Official letters of endorsement regarding mental illness or psychiatric care for court purposes, legal purposes, employment etc. for new patients cannot
be adequately determined during the first several months of treatment
By signing below, you acknowledge understanding and agree to our treatment policies